TQCC achieved a breakthrough in the 10th badminton team competition of Hunan listed company

Release time:

Nov 01,2023

On October 20-21, 2023, the 10th "Hunan Development Cup" badminton team competition of Hunan Listed companies, sponsored by Hunan Listed Companies Association, was held in Changsha Yuxing Badminton Hall. The competition attracted 46 listed companies to participate.

TQCC carefully selected more than ten players to participate in the competition. After fierce competition, the team successfully advanced to the top 16 of Group B for the first time, and won the "Best style Award" . This is the best result since the company participate the game.

Mr.Huang Yuanzheng, vice chairman and chairman of the labor union, said that the organization of the competition aims to further enhance the communication between TQCC and listed companies in Hunan Province, improve the competitive level of the company's badminton team, promote the construction of corporate culture, and enrich the amateur cultural life of employees. It is in order to show the good spirit of TQCC and staff to unite and forge ahead, strive for the first place, and be uplifting.





win-win the future | Two foreign business and technical teams visited TQCC

With the in-depth implementation of the company's internationalization strategy, the company has received more attention from overseas merchants, and the international recognition of its products has been significantly improved. Recently, the international market development has made new progress again, South Africa, Canada foreign teams visited the company to carry out field research.

Zhuzhou Tianqiao Crane Co., Ltd.


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