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We Are Not Professional Media Reports, But What We Want To Say Is Here



win-win the future | Two foreign business and technical teams visited TQCC

With the in-depth implementation of the company's internationalization strategy, the company has received more attention from overseas merchants, and the international recognition of its products has been significantly improved. Recently, the international market development has made new progress again, South Africa, Canada foreign teams visited the company to carry out field research.


TQCC was awarded as a national service-oriented manufacturing demonstration enterprise

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the fifth batch of service-oriented manufacturing demonstration list, TQCC was successfully selected as one of the list of 110 enterprises in the country, , as well as the first batch of Hunan provincial service-oriented manufacturing demonstration enterprises (platform). This is TQCC once again shortlisted the national honor, after winning the "National enterprise Technology center", "national technology innovation demonstration enterprise" and "national individual champion products".


TQCC Attends Changsha International Construction Equipment Exhibition

The tide surges eastward, and friends come from afar. From May 12th to 15th, the third Changsha International Construction Equipment Exhibition was held at the Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center. The theme of this exhibition is "High end, Intelligent, Green - New Generation Construction Equipment", with approximately 1500 Chinese and foreign enterprises participating. TQCC attended with intelligent and high-tech exhibits.——A Feast of Technology


TQCC achieved a breakthrough in the 10th badminton team competition of Hunan listed company

On October 20-21, 2023, the 10th "Hunan Development Cup" badminton team competition of Hunan Listed companies, sponsored by Hunan Listed Companies Association, was held in Changsha Yuxing Badminton Hall. The competition attracted 46 listed companies to participate.


The key research and development projects undertaken by TQCC passed the acceptance test with high scores

On August 30, Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Department organized experts to carry out on-site acceptance of the key research and development project of "intelligent aluminum electrolysis core equipment and system key technology research and industrialization" undertaken by TQCC and participated by Hunan University of Technology. Hunan Science and Technology Affairs director Qing Jianbo, Hunan University of Technology vice president Long Yonghong, TQCC chairman Long Jiuwen participated in the project acceptance.


Make Every Effort to Recover Lost Time

Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia, the company has carried out detailed prevention and control work. On the basis of strict implementation of various prevention and control measures, it has carefully deployed and took multiple measures to steadily and orderly promote the resumption of production, so as to ensure "two hands" in the prevention and control of the epidemic situation and production.


【Good Example】Crane Operator Group of Workshop II of the Company Won the Honorary Title of "Women's Civilization Post" in Zhuzhou

Recently, the crane operator group of workshop II of the company was awarded the honorary title of "Women's Civilization Post" by Zhuzhou Women's Federation. Mr. Huang Yuanzheng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and Chairman of the Labor Union, presented them with honorary plaque.


All People Fight against Epidemic and the People of TQCC Keeping Watch by Donating Their Blood

People of TQCC fight against the epidemic and keep watching by donating blood. In this extraordinary period, how could we lack the figure of our TQCC volunteer blood donors? As one of the "Emergency Blood Donation Units" of Zhuzhou City and one of the benevolent enterprises that has organized collective blood donation for many times.

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