The key research and development projects undertaken by TQCC passed the acceptance test with high scores

Release time:

Sep 14,2023

On August 30, Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Department organized experts to carry out on-site acceptance of the key research and development project of "intelligent aluminum electrolysis core equipment and system key technology research and industrialization" undertaken by TQCC and participated by Hunan University of Technology. Hunan Science and Technology Affairs director Qing Jianbo, Hunan University of Technology vice president Long Yonghong, TQCC chairman Long Jiuwen participated in the project acceptance.



The project team reported the project status to the experts of the acceptance group. The project was established in 2020. After two years of hard work, it has overcome key technologies such as intelligent perception technology based on multi-source information fusion under complex environment and automatic process optimization for dynamic production process. Cracked the problem of low positioning accuracy, precision control and low manual efficiency of large tank aluminum electrolysis equipment, broke the blockade of intelligent technology of material handling equipment in China's non-ferrous industry abroad, developed a multi-functional intelligent crane for aluminum electrolysis, which has been promoted and applied in the non-ferrous aluminum electrolysis industry, and achieved significant economic and social benefits.



The acceptance expert group inspected the site, listened to the project report, inspected the project site, watched the special video of the application of the project results and reviewed the relevant acceptance materials, and questioned the project team on the relevant technical issues and the implementation of the task book, and unanimously agreed that the project passed the acceptance.

Photo and Text by Hu Xindan

Edit by Tan zhongyu




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