Make Every Effort to Recover Lost Time

Release time:

May 08,2020

Since the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia, the company has carried out detailed prevention and control work. On the basis of strict implementation of various prevention and control measures, it has carefully deployed and took multiple measures to steadily and orderly promote the resumption of production, so as to ensure "two hands" in the prevention and control of the epidemic situation and production. 




The beautiful notes of this industrial base in Zhuzhou are accelerating the symphony of resuming work. The company should not only resume production, but also achieve full production and high yield. The curtain of resumption of work was opened on February 10, the company's production capacity was restored in March, and it had fully reached the pre-epidemic level in April. TQCC people send a strong signal: they have the confidence to win the epidemic and have the ability to fight for development.




2020 is a critical year, with time waiting for no one, orders waiting for no one, machines waiting for no one, goals waiting for no one. At the critical stage of "catch with two hands, hard with two hands", the attitude of the charge must be the normal state of TQCC people.






There are many challenges and endless steps. Vehicles full of products are about to leave and head to the distance. After this battle, the relationship between TQCC and customers will be closer, because they dare to take responsibility and are trustworthy.






win-win the future | Two foreign business and technical teams visited TQCC

With the in-depth implementation of the company's internationalization strategy, the company has received more attention from overseas merchants, and the international recognition of its products has been significantly improved. Recently, the international market development has made new progress again, South Africa, Canada foreign teams visited the company to carry out field research.

Zhuzhou Tianqiao Crane Co., Ltd.


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