All People Fight against Epidemic and the People of TQCC Keeping Watch by Donating Their Blood

Release time:

Mar 27,2020

People of TQCC fight against the epidemic and keep watching by donating blood. In this extraordinary period, how could we lack the figure of our TQCC volunteer blood donors? As one of the "Emergency Blood Donation Units" of Zhuzhou City and one of the benevolent enterprises that has organized collective blood donation for many times. The Party Committee and the Labor Union of the company actively responded to the call of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government to fight against the epidemic, and organized the staff to carry out the non-remunerated blood donation with the theme of " Actively Fight Against The Epidemic and Keep Watching with Caring" in the afternoon of March 27 in the headquarters of the company. At the same time of safety production and self epidemic prevention, we should practice responsibility with practical actions.




The charity activity was strongly supported by the leadership of the company. Mr. Huang Yuanzheng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and Chairman of the Labor Union, also came to the activity site to cheer for everyone. As of 5:30 p.m., 86 people in the headquarters of the company had successfully donated blood, with a total amount of 28100 ml. TQCC people once again demonstrated the great love of helping one another with their warm-blooded actions. Since 2007, the company has participated in blood donation for more than 10 years. To commend the company's blood donation and promote the noble feelings of anti-epidemic watch, Ms. Liu Juan, Deputy Director of Zhuzhou Central Blood Station, presented a certificate of appreciation to the company.






win-win the future | Two foreign business and technical teams visited TQCC

With the in-depth implementation of the company's internationalization strategy, the company has received more attention from overseas merchants, and the international recognition of its products has been significantly improved. Recently, the international market development has made new progress again, South Africa, Canada foreign teams visited the company to carry out field research.

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